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Jesus Christ Appears in the Kirtland Temple - painting by Walter Rane |
By Chadwick LaVerl Hyde
The gospel of Jesus Christ must lead us to the fulness of the blessings it promises. Without a fullness of the gospel the hope of Christ’s redemption is lost. It renders his atonement to a lesser or not as important state of being. We must want to become like our heavenly father or the gospel of Jesus Christ becomes subverted.
This begs the question. What about the fulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ is the most important to fundamental saints in the last days?
Of all the blessings, of all the doctrines, and of all the virtues we can acquire here on this earth, it must be the progressive nature of God. Meaning 'how' a God exists from eternity to eternity - and how we must do it to be like them.
Our religion, from the very beginning, holds a belief that celestial beings at their very highest expression create (meaning, of course, 'organize') and then seed worlds. They may die temporarily in this endeavor, but that temporary death is swallowed up in the everlasting oath and covenant of their priesthood, meaning the magnifying of the priesthood to the renewing of the flesh.
This is what Adam (Michael) as first man did. How then do we go from this fallen and cursed state of sin-ridden life, with its attendant death and its needful mercy-bound redemptive effort, to reconstitute man? How does man hope to get from the vicious cycle of life-sin-death-remorse-redemption-resurrection to the planned and anticipated celestial life-seed-death-renew flesh cycle that Michael-Adam and the Elohim enjoy?
The religion that proposes to do this is progressive - meaning there are progressive steps, doctrines, covenants, commandments, lifestyles and devotions that bind from eternity to eternity; these are lessons that must be learned, understood, respected, followed, and adhered to. Through this we finally discover and become the nature of man.
This is the grand key to our religion and the purpose of this magazine "The Fundamentalist." We believe that the vast majority of fundamentalist saints adhere to the primal necessary doctrines that establish the habits and character necessary to enjoy the create-live-seed-die-renew flesh cycle that we as celestials must enjoy to have exaltation.
Here are what I believe are the ten most important doctrines, covenants and commandments to increase the basic principles of faith, repentance, baptism and gift of the holy ghost to a level of celestial life necessary to find the true and living God (Michael-Adam) and Jesus Christ, whom he has sent to us to attain this. In ascending order and sequence it is essential that we, as fundamentalists must do and maintain the following, after the basic principals and ordinances of the gospel.
1. THE ADAM-GOD DOCTRINE. Without understanding what it is that we are to become, we cannot understand what a God really is. Adam did not sin. He transgressed an unalterable law. He created a lesser world with the instructive help of his former Adamic father of the Elohim and his former savior referred to as Jehovah and remained upon that created or organized world. Partaking of the fruit and elements of it over time his celestial body was reduced thereby and lost its immortality.
But as Joseph Smith taught, a celestial being can come down and reside in the terrestrial kingdom for a time and yet return to the celestial kingdom - as Adam did.
Adam placed himself in the position to die in order to obey the command to remain with Eve and seed a world - this is the grand opus - the supreme summum bonum (the highest good, especially as the ultimate goal according to which values and priorities are established in an ethical system) of all of our celestial hopes; for all true men must place themselves as Adam at the altar. Without this doctrine our hope of celestial increase (called exaltation) is clouded, confused, befuddled and forgotten - hence destroyed.
The Adam-God Doctrine is the highest hope or expression of our sojourn upon this earth and the redemption of our souls by Jesus Christ from the effects of sin is done with the ideal that we will become as a celestial Adam in worlds to come with our lovely wives. This is our life's eternal mission - to know Adam Michael of the Elohim (the only God with which we have to do) and Jesus Christ whom he has sent. The gospel of Jesus Christ fully hopes to turn all righteous men into an Adam and their wives into Eves.
2. THE PROPER ENDOWMENT AND ANOINTING CEREMONIES. The altering of the endowment and the ceremonies in the temple are the hallmark of latter-day apostasy. One cannot unreveal a revelation and then call it a revelation. It is apostasy. As such the temple endowments once clarified and magnified to their ultimate comprehension and expression, once revealed cannot and ought not be reduced to incomprehensible, diluted and watered down versions now currently in fashion among mainstream LDS.
The original endowments with clarifications that explain the fulness of their use and operation are a requirement. They cannot be altered or the rights and blessings fail. Confusion is not holy and it is not countenanced in the abodes of deity. Therefore only the proper and original endowment MUST be used.
3. THE PROPER GARMENT. It goes without saying that to mutilate the garment renders it useless as a protection. To alter the garment from its revealed pattern is mutilation and those that countenance it are advocating apostasy and destruction. The original garment IS the holy garment and any mutilation or alteration destroys it completely. The proper one-piece garment should be worn, for the purposes it was intended to be worn.
4. THE DOCTRINE OF THREE (Progressive) PRIESTHOODS. The Kingdom of God on earth is the exercise of the priesthood of God in accordance with the will of God. Our understanding of priesthood must be the Lord's understanding of it. The lowest of the priesthoods is Levitical. It is what we call the Aaronic priesthood. It is not a corporate structure or a church - per se. It is an association of man and God via ministering spirits given to them by the laying on of hands and those spirits prepare and provide instruction for the duties that are to be performed.
The Aaronic order is used to rid humanity of sin. They are the priests that help gentiles and Israelites coalesce into a faithful body of God. They provide the duties of deacon, teacher, priest, bishop, seventy and apostle. Their duty under heaven is to help the covenant saints (or those that would become covenant saints) to be free of the evil influences of the devil and prepare them for a higher (or more terrestrial and celestial) lifestyle. They combine in effect around the inspiration of a quorum of twelve physical witnesses of Jesus Christ and are led by the greatest of those apostles, known as a prophet (although all men should be able to prophesy over their own stewardships and families).
This is the lowest holy order of our priesthood and religion. The blessing of this lowest priesthood is that it exists in the lineage of the fathers and within it contains the ability to converse and associate with angelic ministers who have authority. It is the perpetual blessing of the earth to have this unrealized potential to restore the higher priesthoods to earth via angelic ministers in the case of apostasy, as did Joseph Smith Jr. The second and higher priesthood to the above-mentioned priesthood is the Patriarchal Priesthood.
This priesthood serves as a steward and guide over the lower Levitical or Aaronic priesthood. It is genetic or descendant based priesthood, meaning that it is given to the eldest son of a certain person, whose obligation it is to guide the Aaronic (Levitical) order on this side of the veil from those who are on the other side of the veil. In this dispensation it belongs to Joseph Smith Sr., and through his eldest faithful living sons on earth with issue. It is a religion of the firstborn and it has all power and dominion over the lower priesthood. It speaks for and to the lower priesthood by its stewards the Smiths. Joseph senior, Hyrum, etc.
This is the second tier of priesthood in the ascension of priests from "Prophet" (or lowest Aaronic/Levitical) to "Priest" (or middle patriarchal) unto the last and final designation of priesthood of "King" or leader (called Melki or Melek anciently - thus Melki-Tzadokmeans "king (or leader) of righteousness" or sometimes referred to as "prince of peace"). Only the Patriarchal Priesthood can lead the priests from the lowest of priesthoods unto the highest. For this is their calling and stewardship - or what is referred to as a "dispensation" in the last days. Can the Lord replace the Smiths with a new lineage? Of course, but in order to do such a thing one would have to see God face to face and live - like Joseph Smith Jr.
Without this Patriarchal Priesthood the Aaronic/Levitical Order becomes broken, corrupt and eventually useless. The LDS church brushed aside this priesthood and dismissed its priests in 1978.The third and final priesthood is the "Melki-Tzadok" or "King of Righteousness" priesthood. It is a benevolent theocratic priesthood and is a city state or a locale as an assemblage. It is the priesthood Enoch had for the City of Enoch. It is the priesthood of Noah and Shem (who was the Melchizedek of the bible and outlived Abraham).
This priesthood was enjoyed by Joseph Smith Jr. as it is a priesthood that is given under "the hand of God" himself. It has at its highest expressions the duty and most importantly the desire to build a city that is Zion in nature for the edification of its inhabitants to the renewing of their bodies through beliefs and behaviors that are celestial in nature. It exists only where there is celestial marriage, the Council of 50 (or Kingdom of God) and the law of consecration. Those things MUST be present for it to enjoy its fullest expression. It is the sealing authority or the ability to act in the name of God. It is called the priesthood after the order of the son, or the priesthood of the king of righteousness (which is the meaning of the word Melchizedek). This priesthood must be established and maintained in this life or the adherent cannot enter into the celestial kingdom in the world to come.
It is a requirement for entry into celestial glory. It was the goal of Joseph Smith Jr. and MUST be our goal if we are to return and reside in the presence of the Elohim or the Ahmanic host. This understanding MUST be had by all faithful covenant latter day saints. It is second only to the knowledge of what Adam (or Michael to us) is. It is the method to becoming Adam like our father in heaven Michael. Without this understanding we are as lost as any gentile ever was. Thus assured we may be that our men will become "Prophets (then) Priests and (then) Kings" in that successive order of understanding.
This should drive every reader to a more faithful adherence to the fundamental doctrines, covenants and blessings that were lost or given away by the mainstream LDS church over the last 133years.
5. THE CELESTIAL LAW OF PLURAL MARRIAGE. This has the common name of 'polygamy' or the technical name 'polygamy', but it is the celestial law of marriage. It represents the highest degree of bliss, happiness, Godhood, family association, and is the culture and system of the celestial kingdom. It is how the celestial kingdom is blessed with 'chosen vessels' and it is how the celestial kingdom blesses the terrestrial kingdom. It seeks as its premise to remove envy, strife and anger from the most important and interpersonal relationships - the family. Without it no one can enter into the celestial kingdom because it requires the giving of oneself to a united or bound group by consent, and that group has as their goal the mutual guidance and acquisition of the highest degree of celestial glory.
The group exists for the group and the group existence is celestial in nature and invites celestial law, celestial priesthood and celestial priests to guide them. That is the crux of this religious doctrine and practice. It cannot be overstated. It is the building block of exaltation and is the very beginning point of it - meaning NO ONE can enter into exaltation in the celestial kingdom WITHOUT abiding its practice, custom and law. The Council of 50 or Kingdom of God is only available to the earth because of its practice; for the Kingdom of God seeks, as its main function to protect and promote celestial marriage.
In the temple one cannot progress to the veil that separates terrestrial law and its reality into the celestial kingdom without abiding it for it is the culmination or blessing for the keeping of the Law of Chastity. It is the reason for the practice of that law, because the law of chastity cleanses the soul sufficient for the lawful and righteous practice of celestial marriage. There is no true heaven where celestial plural marriage does not exist. For it is the culture of Elohim (which term actually means the plurality of God with many female Goddesses involved).
It is the culture of Ahman. It is the culture of Michael. And it therefore MUST become our culture in order for us to abide by the realm in which they live. But it must be practiced consensually and ought to be sought by the adherent by their own desire and choice. To be taught these things over a lifetime is the blessing of having the celestial kingdom touch the earth and become involved in one's life, family and culture. What a blessing!
6. THE COUNCIL OF 50 (or the Kingdom of God). This is a theodemocracy, or benevolent Kingdom of God upon earth. It is the practical day-to-day enforcement of laws, mores, customs and requirements for the highest degrees of glory and what the lower degrees must do to seek and associate with the higher degrees. It can only exist where full and passionate belief in 'kings and priests unto the most high God' who rule and reign. It is lived by common consent and is eternal, unalterable and exact.
Its constitution eschews worldly governments as usurpers and supplanters. It sets up a group of judges that enforce the law of God upon a consenting population. This population can include covenant members of the priesthood, and righteous gentiles who abide by the laws without partaking of the priesthood or its blessings. This means that righteous non-members can and do exist within its realms and are guided and governed by its laws. This kingdom has as its main goal to 'justify' or 'rectify' the souls of all those who are under allegiance to it before God sufficient to allow the United Order to be ushered in among them.
This is so crucial to the developing soul. To know God and understand his ways in a personal, day to day manner. And to understand the punishments for acting contrary to the laws of God. Not just how the laws of God work - but that they do in fact work.
7. THE LAW OF CONSECRATION OR THE UNITED ORDER. The greatest expression of human social interaction in the scriptures and throughout the dispensations is found in what the new testament calls "the law of common consent" and what the Book of Mormon refers to as "all things in common." Joseph Smith Jr elucidated it as the United Order or the day to day work of the law of consecration. Many groups, religious and otherwise, have attempted to live it. Nearly all have failed.
Those given to perpetual success were the City of Enoch. Those who enjoyed a long term success followed by slow decay and ultimately violent repudiation and rancor were the Nephites from 33AD to approximately 300AD; the people of Salem with Melchizedek; Kirkland's co operative society, and a handful of others. The Lord has made it clear that all the laws of happiness guide us to this fraternal bond of fellowship where there are no poor. History and reflection show that it must be followed with a high degree of religious sentiment to be effective, and that at its core it is a social agreement and must be nurtured with close and prolonged interpersonal contact and association.
This is the economy of heaven and must be lived to be understood and inherited. The celestial kingdom cannot be bequeathed, it must be followed and inherited. This law therefore represents the culmination of our religious, familial and social desires. It is the ultimate expression of culture to the covenant (fundamentalist) saint. Where it has fully existed, the celestial kingdom has revealed itself.
8. REBAPTISM OR RE-ORDERING OF THE BASIC PRIESTHOOD ORDINANCE LINE. The closest and longest lasting of all human relationships exist only in the gospel. Rebaptism was practiced by the early members of the restoration to reinvigorate their faith and most importantly, to tie their covenants to one another eternally. As is well understood that baptism is a recognized ordinance and done through the priesthood power. It therefore at its core establishes genealogies of authority and then re-establishes or expands them to include the priesthood oversight of others.
This means to say that those who baptize another take upon themselves the charge to care for the one baptized. Both in this world and the next. This increases the scope and magnitude of those to whom we are bound to both in this life and in the eternities. Rebaptism increases this group of those devoted to each other.
This is the crucial element of baptism, confirmation and rebaptism. It is essential that these relationships be selected in wisdom and with an eternal view in mind. Rebaptism is the conscious understanding that the people rebaptizing each other consent to be bound to one another's care. It is an eternal commitment and a beautiful continuing ordinance.
Brigham Young was rebaptized on several occasions, and condoned and encouraged the ordinance. How and with whom we rebaptize tells us whom we will care and protect spiritually and whose company we will enjoy in the eternities.
9. THE SEALING OF MAN TO MAN AS SON, BROTHER OR FATHER AND THE RE ORDERING OF THE SEALING BLESSINGS IN THE ETERNITIES. Our Savior taught that those who are unwilling to leave family members and loved ones for the kingdom of heaven were not worthy of it. To enjoy exaltation one must understand where and with whom one may find it. If it does not and worse yet, cannot exist in the sealing bonds of one's immediate family then one should seek and repair to those to whom it has been promised and blessed.
There were many worthy priesthood men that sealed themselves to Joseph Smith, Jr. Others to Brigham Young. And why did they do this? Because they understood that these men had access to exalted beings and entrance into the exalted spheres of the celestial kingdom. These men lived these principles, commandments and ordinances in this world and sought and desired the attending blessings in the eternities.
This means that while their hopes were that their immediate families would live the higher laws in the highest fashion, they knew the men that lived these laws, had the authority and power to administer and seal and were guaranteed salvation and exaltation. Being sealed to this caliber of man (priest) virtually assured them that they would not be left to wander in darkness without the greatest of effort expended to come and offer them relief, succor and guidance.
This is the highest level of faith because it seeks at its core to establish relationships with those that are objectively the ones that are in harmony and can and do live celestial law. Thus the practice of sealing men to men extends the influence of the one they are sealed to, and assures them entrance into the blessings of heaven promised to such men. This is family planning on a celestial level.
10. THE TRUE ORDER OF PRAYER CIRCLES AS A NON-TEMPLE LOCATED PRACTICE AT HOME WITH FAMILY AND LOVED ONES OR HEAVEN ON EARTH. The central feature of the Lord's visit to Bountiful in the America's after his death in Jerusalem was the prayers he prayed for and with the peoples of the land of Bountiful. In the most endearing and dramatic of these prayers angelic ministers surrounded the officiant of the prayer and the followers in circles of celestial flames and light.
Children and other heavenly ministers came down and the blessings upon the people were poured out. Surely there could be no greater blessing than to be taught how to pray in this manner! In our temples we are taught the true order of prayer. The ability to call down angels and heavenly ministers, and children and beings from the celestial kingdom itself upon the earth. Were these lessons on how to perform these things taught only to be done by the same teachers in the temple itself?
No. They were to be enjoyed by the household of faith in their homes and with their closest faithful family and loved ones. This single ability, more than any other, brings with it the blessing of heaven on earth. It brings group revelation and literally invites the celestial kingdom to engage with and enjoin and guide our lives. Our faith and our ordinances all lead to this continual blessing and we should gather often to truly pray. In this testimony I have avoided lengthy and legalistic citations to scripture although I can quite easily provide them.
My hope is to convey understanding as to how the doctrines, ordinances, laws and ultimately the privileges build and grow upon one another in a progressive way. Progressive as they build upon the others and increase into a more fitting celestial life through celestial behaviors. There are many other ordinances that are appendages to all of these. But these doctrines, ordinances, councils, laws and practices (or performances) are the literal celestial kingdom on this earth and represent the highest life we could hope for.
The mainstream LDS church cannot help us, in any productive way, to achieve this anymore. It stands as an Aaronic institution dedicated to preaching morals to gentiles. While it may have served to rectify us before the laws and commandments of the Lord, only through faithful adherence (by doing) can we hope to attain the eternal ability, right and habit of living this way forever.
We are not ashamed of the fulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ unto the redemption, salvation and exaltation of our souls. How could we possibly ever give up the fulness of the gospel and its attendant blessings?! These are the very fundamentals of our faith. Please come and join with us in the highest hopes of this online forum.
Thank you,
Chadwick LaVerl Hyde, Publisher of The Fundamentalist Online
You can reach me at fundamentalistmag@gmail.com.
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