Monday, November 27, 2023

Interview Pt. 1: Sister Beverly Kingsford of Christ's Church...

Sister Beverly Kingsford

By Beverly Kingsford & Chadwick LaVerl Hyde

From time to time, we will present modern women in Mormondom. These sisters, like sisters early in the restoration, make sacrifices to embrace the fulness of the gospel, before the Lord closes the age of the gentiles. 

Such sisters are a blessing to our mutual faith, and their stories should be shared and emulated. Beverly Kingsford came out of the mainstream LDS church to embrace the principals of the fulness of the gospel. She is currently a member of Christ's Church The Righteous Branch of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, which is also known also as the Peterson Group...

How did you come to the gospel of Jesus Christ at first? We’re you born into the LDS faith?

I was born into the LDS Church and raised in it. My great-grandparents converted to the gospel. Some of them converted while in England and then came over to the United States and found the Saints. They made great sacrifices for the gospel of Jesus Christ and to be a part of the Restored Gospel.  

What brought you to fundamentalism?

I started asking God questions about eternal marriage and "the New and Everlasting Covenant of Marriage." I didn't fully understand that it is plural marriage and that plural marriage should still be lived today. I read a book called Family Kingdom.  Also, when I was praying about these things, there was a man who had 3 repeating dreams about meeting me, and this did happen. He is a part of Christ's Church, better known as The Branch, and the missionaries taught me. Also, I saw that things were not all as they should be in the LDS Church.

How did the mainstream church react?

The mainstream church did not react well. When I joined Christ's Church, The Branch, I couldn't see that it conflicted in any way with the mainstream church, as far as the principles that they taught. They taught the restored gospel, which is what Joseph Smith brought to the world through revelations that he received. Over time, the LDS Church has rejected some of those revelations that they didn't want to live. The Branch church has tried to keep the practices alive, and thereby help keep the keys of the Priesthood alive on the earth. 

The mainstream church excommunicated me for believing in more of the gospel, essentially. They also felt that not following the LDS "prophet" and following someone else who I believed  had the keys to the Priesthood and was receiving revelation, was unacceptable. 

What are some of the challenges of living the covenant fundamentalist way?

My husband doesn't believe that Plural Marriage should be lived, and if the people are wicked and living it unrighteously, I agree. But, there is a righteous way to live plural marriage on the earth and if a family is going to do this, they need to do it right.  

I know of families who have followed the righteous steps in living plural marriage, and they have been happy families. For me, it is a challenge to have my belief, but not have my husband believe the same things, but he allows me to believe what I believe and I allow him to believe what he wants to believe.  Other than family relationships, the neighbors do react differently towards me, but that doesn't matter to me anymore.  

What are the blessings you have found?

I have found many good people within Christ's Church and made some good friends. I have found that I can discuss the gospel much more freely and also my concerns that I have concerning what I see happening in the world. I have seen the LDS Church shifting off in the direction of pleasing world government, and this is very disturbing to me.  

They recommend the childhood immunizations, which damage children and they also recommended the COVID-19 injection, which is causing people to die a much earlier death than they would have otherwise. The COVID shot is a bioweapon and the LDS Church was definitely not inspired by God to tell people to get that shot. It is killing people. I fear that the LDS Church will lead many good people down the wrong path and deceive many. So, I feel that I have access to the truth in The Branch, and that they will not lead me down wrong paths to destruction.  

What are some of the things mainstream LDS women  can do to prepare for what is coming in the future?

Mainstream women need to wake up and realize what is ahead of them. We are headed into a world financial crisis that will be worse than anything this world has ever known. People need to plant gardens and do their own canning and buy food storage and learn how to use it. Women need to become strong, because much will be expected of them. 

They will be doing men's work in the future. They need to prepare in every way and become their own doctors. They need to get a relationship with God, and have the faith to know that God will be with them to help them along. Having faith and hope will be very important too.

You can reach Chadwick at

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