Friday, December 1, 2023

Interview Pt. 2: Sister Beverly Kingsford of Christ's Church...

Sister Beverly Kingsford

By Beverly Kingsford

From time to time, we will present modern women in Mormondom. These sisters, like sisters early in the restoration, make sacrifices to embrace the fulness of the gospel, before the Lord closes the age of the gentiles. 

Such sisters are a blessing to our mutual faith, and their stories should be shared and emulated. Beverly Kingsford came out of the mainstream LDS church to embrace the principals of the fulness of the gospel. She is currently a member of Christ's Church The Righteous Branch of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, which is also known also as the Peterson Group... this is Part 2 of an interview with Sister Kingford...

I am a person with political interests, mostly because my mom was very interested in politics when we were growing up, and she read Cleon Skousen's books and told us about what she read. 

She was also an election judge. Later on in her life she came to live with us, and her beliefs about supporting the U.S. Constitution and those candidates such as Sheriff Richard Mack and Ron Paul influenced me. She became a member of the John Birch Society and went to monthly meetings. We also received The New American magazine in our home because of her membership in the John Birch Society. I took her to the meetings and once in a while I would go to them too. One month, I read an article on the collapse of the Roman Empire.  

I thought it was very interesting because I enjoy learning about history. And, having been a member of the LDS Church, we know that in the Book of Mormon, the Nephite society collapses. So, this collapsing of societies seems to be a reoccurring theme in the history of the world. The next issue of The New American, had a continuation of the collapse of the Roman Empire. I read that article too, and I thought to myself afterwards that is going to happen here in the United States.  

At the time I was going to a politically-active chiropractor, and I went to him and asked him what his plans were if the American economy were to fail. He gave me some recommended reading, which I went home and read. I was impressed that the things he was telling me were true, and the hymn "Oh, Say what is Truth!" came into my head. I also believed the story of the Relief Mine in Salem, Utah.  

Because of my interest in these things, I started to see that the politics of the LDS Church were not where they should be. At one sacrament meeting they announced that they were encouraging all parents to immunize their children with the immunizations which are received at regular pediatric visits.  

I seriously doubted these immunizations because I have two sisters who had babies die of SIDS, and I thought at least one of those deaths was connected to immunizations. For the LDS Church to be recommending these things from the pulpit in sacrament meeting was totally inappropriate. I felt that it was NONE of the church's business to be sticking their noses into parent's choices about how they would doctor their children. Around this time, the rate of autism was skyrocketing, and some of my relatives had been affected with these types of problems.  

I happened to run across the video VAXXED with Del Bigtree and a gastroenterologist from England who had found problems in the bowel related to vaccines that had been given. These people actually travelled around America, doing lectures about these things and I was able to attend one of the lectures in Kingston, Arizona.  

I'm so grateful I heard that. Here in America, the public school system was pushing childhood immunizations, the church also was putting pressure on parents, and I was finding out that all of it only caused many problems for the children getting the shots and the parents of these children! I found out that it wasn't mandatory at all for my children to have these shots in order to attend a public school. 

I filled out the exemption forms.  

It really bothered me that the LDS Church continued to support these things, and later I saw that they were supporting the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Because of my political interests, I knew that Bill Gates is not a good person and has ties to powers that are wanting to form the One World Order (the United Nations and the Mafia Deep State). How was it that the LDS Church could be cooperating with Bill Gates and pretending that it was a good thing?!  

The way they talked about these things in bi-annual conferences, in connection with their "humanitarian" efforts, they made it sound like the church was up to doing good things by funding immunizations. I had and still have VERY different opinions. I saw these things as very harmful to people all over the world, especially since Bill Gates had come right out and admitted that vaccinations were his favorite way of depopulating the world. If you know anything about Bill Gates, he believes in euthanasia. He's also been working on [genetically] changing the seeds of different major crops and has affected the world food supply.  

Because of my political beliefs and what I believe will eventually happen to the whole world in a financial sense, I became very interested in trying to grow more of my own food. I wanted a place of escape, which I felt the Lord helped me to find. Later on, I became acquainted with The Branch missionaries (Christ's Church), as they had come to the Salt Lake area to start a missionary program in the area. I met the missionaries at a Glenn Beck conference, which was really a miracle and based on dreams that one of the missionaries had previous to coming to Utah. 

I felt drawn to these people, like I knew them somehow, and being the friendly person I am, we started talking. I eventually saw that the things they are teaching, which is really nothing more than the fullness of the restored gospel, is all true. 

So, I joined Christ's Church, more frequently called The Branch. I have met many great people through being a member of this church and I've seen many times, the Holy Ghost directing meetings and answering questions on people's minds. I really loved being able to freely discuss gospel topics in these meetings, and not feeling that I might say something wrong that was politically incorrect if I said this or that. Problems were recognized in these meetings. They weren't ignored and the people in this church didn't try to pretend that these problems didn't exist! They were facing the issues and helping people to resolve these issues in their hearts. I believe many people will go through trying times when they see the LDS Church doing things that don't add up to constitutionally correct principles. Many people are starting to stray away already.  

We have to help these people to still see and believe, that God has answers for His people and God DOES have a plan in mind for bringing His righteous people together again in the 2nd Gathering of Israel.

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